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MonacoEcoArt keeps its journalism open to all although its information is the result of pure professionalism and knowledge. Supporting our Media allows us to keep our independence and give meaningful figures, companies or startups the opportunity to express themselves while offering our readers and followers quality contents based on reliable and traceable sources. We welcome support of any size. You can use the link below operated by PayPal or you can make a bank transfer by using the following bank details: IBAN: IT78D0103002430 0000104623 30 - BIC > PASCITM1006 - Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Thank you for your collaboration.
About MŒA Editorial Project
MONACŒCOART® (MonacoEcoART, MŒA enPR= Monaco MyHeart) is a new media editorial project aimed at discovering sustainability from different angles with a special focus on projects, relevant figures, best practices and smart ideas linked to the Principality of Monaco and its vast network. By the will of enlightened Sovereign Princes, Monaco has always been considered the land of discoveries, innovation and avant-garde technologies. H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco is cleverly carrying on this tradition, by achieving new boundaries. The Energy and Digital Transition currently involving the Monegasque territory are the clearest proof of this. MONACŒCOART® is designed to offer the reader a flowing and yet intriguing reading, to interact and deepen the topics related to the multidisciplinary concept of “Sustainable Development”, through real cases and characters. But the purpose of MONACŒCOART® is also to go beyond Sustainability proposing OTHER AMAZING RELEVANT THEMES (-OART®), traditionally or newly integrated in the same ‘ecosystem’.
Key words, graphic marks, visuals will be integral part of MONACŒCOART® in the footsteps of that “plural writing” that is using increasingly different approaches based on languages communication and semiotics.
Welcome to MONACŒCOART® and enjoy its new vision.
About MŒA’s Founder
Graduated in International Law and specialized in International Relations, Sustainability and advanced Communication Techniques, he has been experiencing, for almost ten years, a multitasking role with advanced communication skills thus taking part to European Commission and Editorial Projects in the different known languages (Bilingual English & French, Spanish and Italian as a mother-tongue) writing articles specialized in legal, environmental, sustainable, art and new technological topics.
Since 2014 he has been working in the journalistic domain in the Principality of Monaco, France and Italy and soon after he qualified as a registered journalist keeping his editorial role of journalist for some magazines of the Monegasque reality. He is the author of his English version of: “Communicating the Environment to save the Planet. A Journey into Eco-Communication” an innovative manual edited by Springer International Publishing, presented in avant-première to an international Delegation of Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and prefaced by the Sovereign Prince.
MONACŒCOART® sets itself the objective of informing the public by giving them the opportunity to verify the sources and to search further news using reliable networks to reduce the ‘noise’ in the communication chain. The multidisciplinary approach is equally essential to better understand the dynamics of the topics covered.
We currently live in an even more interconnected dimension where any detail contributes to create the knowledge.
Target Audience
MONACŒCOART® addresses to all those who love personalized, punctual and human-being oriented journalism, curious to find out cool pieces of news about the Planet Earth and beyond. The great technological and media progress we are witnessing cannot pull down the profound values of those who communicate and inform.
News standardization stands in contrast to the same concept of “ecosystem”, whose strength lies in the diversity of species and viewpoints.