In the Spring, Barcelona hosted a crucial international summit on Ocean Preservation. The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, held in the Catalan capital town from the 10th to the 12th April 2024, started a new phase of live sessions to federate representatives of the business, social, economic and financial world around a crucial point: we must act now to safeguard oceans that are essential in balancing climate cycles while producing half of the oxygen available on Planet Earth. The summit, co-organized with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (IOC-UNESCO), produced many technical insights which represent the basis for concrete actions within the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) with the goal to develop United Nations SDG 14 (Agenda 2030) to conserve and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources.
A full three-day-event program of meetings involving around 1,500 scientists, decision makers and environmental orgnisations wanted to give new life to knowledge and research, giving a boost to nature-based solutions aiming at fostering Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change, Food Security and Blue Economy.
MONACŒCOART® selected major feedbacks to make a post-event assessment based on the Full Report, the Barcelona Statement, depicting priorities for the years to come.

Local Communities knowldge greatly contributes to Ocean Preservation.
In the footsteps of the development of the "30x30" agreement, that is to protect 30% of land, freshwater, and oceans by 2030, launched within Convention on Biological Diversity, the involvement of local communities and indigenous people is crucial in the management of Marine Protected Areas as part of a new approach known as Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs).
Ocean Monitoring makes the difference for the future of our Ocean Planet.
Providing a better understanding of major environmental issues identifying knowledge gaps to be filled at the level of scientific and technical research is prior to make a qualitative leap towards an efficient management of marine ecosystems. Global warming, ocean acidification, pollution of human origin are challenging the balance of biodiversity. The Barcelona Statement resulting from the international summit highlighted the importance of collecting further data to measure human impacts on ocean ecosystems, detecting new species and habitats while increasing awareness on marine functionality. All that could be reached through a global network of investments to create comprehensive infrastructures.

Cross-border Interoperability to strenghten Science and Knowledge as acceleration drivers.
A tighter synergy among national, regional and international stakholders was considered as driving force to accelerate research and development, thus taking action for marine preservation within the ongoing Ocean Decade (2021-2030). Cooperation must also take place at the level of legal framework, policy making and governance.
The Union is the decision-making power towards a Sustainable Future.
The Barcelona summit encouraged a greater interaction between researchers and governors (decision-makers and policymakers) in order to jointly build up scientific research to be applicable smoothly via effective solutions. In particular, the Barcelona Statement claims for establishing public-private partnerships involving industry and innovation within cross-border and cross-sector initiatives to tackle pivotal issues like the fighting against micro plastics.

Communication to give voice to Ocean Ecosystems.
Ocean Communication and Ocean Literacy, that is fostering the general public understanding of ocean biodiversity for the wellbeing of both Nature and human beings, are vital to forge an eco-responsible knowledge through compelling storytelling and creative methods. The Barcelona Statement underlines the necessity to create a narrow bridge between the scientific community and professional communicators to engage and strengthen a widespread eco-awareness.
The Variety of Opinions and Perspectives gives life to a Holistic Vision on Ocean Biodiversity Management.
Ocean preservation and restoration passes through the involvement of all stakeholders, including indigenous communities who can provide precious feedbacks on how to live with Nature, based on age-old practices. By mobilising them, we can guarantee a more ethical approach to achieve inclusive ocean management strategies and encourage a fully sustainable Blue Economy and Tourism.
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By Maurice Abbati
Journalist; Editor; Communication, Media and Public Relations Specialist.
Lecturer and Author in English language of Technical Articles and the Manual: "Communicating the Environment to Save the Planet, a Journey into Eco-Communication" by Springer International Publishing.
